Tahun ini Universitas Gadjah Mada kembali meluncurkan Tracer Study dan Survei Indikator Kinerja Utama UGM 2021 untuk lulusan UGM periode wisuda tahun 2019 dan 2020
Hasil survei ini akan menjadi data yang berharga bagi UGM dan diperlukan untuk berbagai kebutuhan pengembangan dan kemajuan UGM. Data akan digunakan sebagai dasar mengevaluasi dan menyempurnakan proses sistem penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan pengajaran di tingkat Fakultas dan Universitas.
Tracer Study dan Survei Indikator Kinerja Utama dilaksanakan dengan survei secara online. Silahkan menuju laman akun Simaster UGM Anda. Atau dapat menggunakan PIN pada kolom yang telah disediakan pada laman:
UGM menjamin kerahasiaan informasi yang diberikan. Laporan dan publikasi tidak akan menampilkan identitas responden. Informasi lebih lanjut terkait Tracer Study dan Survei Indikator Kinerja Utama Fakultas Pertanian UGM dapat menghubungi PIC Tracer Study Fakultas Pertanian UGM Valentina Dwi Suci Handayani, Ph.D., melalui email
Kami mengucapkan terimakasih dan apresiasi atas kesediaan anda sebagai Alumni Fakultas Pertanian UGM turut serta dalam mengembangkan inovasi pembelajaran di Fakultas Pertanian. Doa dan salam kami dari Almamater untuk kesuskesan anda dan semua alumni Univeristas Gadjah Mada.
Hallo Kawan Kagama Pertanian! Serial Webinar Professional Goes to Campus kembali hadir!
Siapa nih disini yang masih mencari informasi beasiswa dan studi ke luar negeri lewat Google saja? Kali ini Kagama Pertanian dan Fakultas Pertanian UGM menghadirkan para alumni untuk berbagi langsung pengalaman mereka dalam mendapatkan beasiswa dan kampus impian mereka.
Nah, Kawan Kagama Pertanian pasti penasaran kan, seperti apa sih gambaran kuliah di luar negeri? Apa yang perlu kita persiapkan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa? Apa saja tips dan trik agar diterima di perguruan tinggi?
Jangan lewatkan seri webinar Professional Goes to Campus dengan tema: Kiat Sukses Meraih Beasiswa dan Studi di Luar Negeri.
Syaiful Amri Saragih, S. P., M. Sc
Awardee LPDP – The University of Tokyo
Riny Rezkiananda., S.P
Awardee Erasmus-Mundus
University of Gottingen & Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
Faradilla Qurrota Ayunina, S.P
Awardee LPDP – Wageningen University
Dr. Dyah Weny Respatie, S.P., M.Si
Dosen Falkultas Pertanian UGM
Penasaran? Catat tanggalnya:
📅 Selasa, 29 Juni 2021
🕥 10.00 – 12.00 WIB
Melalui zoom dan live streaming YouTube Kagama Pertanian
Ayo segera daftarkan dirimu melalui:
Yuk segera daftar karena akan ada e-sertifikat untuk seluruh peserta dan doorprize menarik bagi peserta yang beruntung! Acara ini gratis dan terbuka untuk umum. Jangan lupa ajak kawanmu sebanyak-banyaknya.
#webinargratis #webinar #kagama #kagamapertanian #fapertaugm #beasiswa #scholarship #lustrumxvfapertaugm
A. Alur pendaftaran
- Mengisi form pendaftaran (klik untuk mengunduh form pendaftaran)
- Mengirimkan form pendaftaran ke alamat email:
B. Batas waktu pendaftaran
Pendaftaran program ini paling lambat tanggal 31 Mei 2021
As GNU has been selected as one of 10 AIMS project universities in Korea by ministry of education, Korea in 2021, we would like to discuss about AIMS student exchanges
- 1. GNU AIMS Program Overview
(Program Title) The Agriculture and Life Science Specialist Education Program for
Sub-tropical Regions
(Program Purpose) Improvement and facilitation of ‘Undergraduate student exchanges’ between GNU and UGM for cultivation for Agriculture and livestock experts responding to climate change by sharing advanced technology and knowledge
(Program Objectives)
For GNU students
– As the climate of southern part of Korea, where GNU is currently located in, is gradually changing from temperate climates to subtropical climates, there has been growing demand and need to develop subtropical agricultural and livestock farming model. (e.g. Bananas, and papaya farming so on.)
– In this regard, this program aims to educate GNU students into experts in subtropical agriculture by carrying out agricultural-related studies and farming site visiting
experiences at our partner universities located in tropical and subtropical regions
For UGM students
– Korea’s farming and livestock industries has achieved rapid improvement in productivity and quality in a very short time and became a role model for many southeast Asian countries.
– This program also aims to provide valuable opportunities for UGM students to learn and benchmark Korea’s success in agricultural and biological industries, and we will train them as agricultural specialists who can plays an important role in developing Vietnamese agricultural sector.
(Exchange student qualification) full-time undergraduate students with excellent academic performances and sufficient English languages skills
(Participating departments of GNU) 3 Departments
– Dept. of Agricultural plant science
– Dept. of Animal Science & Biochemistry
– Dept. of Food & Resource Economics
(Total Project Period) Sept. 2021. Feb. 2022 (two years)
(Length of Student Exchange) One semester
(Quota of Exchange Students) 4-6 students per semester
(Course Language) English
(Program Features of GNU) Coursework + field experiences + Korean language training
– Providing English courses in agriculture, Field-oriented specialist training including agriculture, horticulture and animal husbandry, and special courses for Korean language education, counseling service by academic adviser, and opportunities to visit related local industries and farms
(Financial Support from GNU)
Tuition fees waiver
– GNU shall waive tuition fees for inbound exchange students from UGM based on mutual student exchange agreement and hopes UGM will do so
Accommodation, meal and international student insurance fees support
– GNU will provide UGM students with airfare(aound USD600), free dormitory, meals(around 2 times per day), and international student insurance fees support for one semester
* These benefits are equivalent to around US$ 1,800 per student.
- 2. Student Exchange Program at GNU
Academic Schedule and deadline of exchange program
Semester | Academic Schedule | Application Deadline |
Fall Semester, 2021 | September 2 ~ December 17, 2021 | May 21, 2021 |
Spring Semester, 2022 | March 2 ~ June 17, 2020 | December 15, 2021 |
quota for UGM exchange students : 4-6 students
Application documents
1) Form A : Application Form (Form Provided)
2) Form B : Dormitory Application Form (Form Provided)
3) Form C : Medical History Form (Form Provided)
4) Form D : Financial Information and Certification of Support (Form Provided)
5) Form E : Permission for the Use of Personal Information (Form Provided)
6) Form F : Study Plan (In English or Korean) (Form Provided)
7) Form G : Self-Description(Introduction) (In English or Korean)
8) From H : Letter of Recommendation from Head of the Dept. or Dean of the International Office (In English or Korean) (Form Provided)
9) Official Academic Transcript (issued by the home institution ) (In English or Korean)
※Graduate student must also submit the official transcript of the undergraduate academic records.
10) Official Certificate of Enrollment (issued by the home institution ) (In English or Korean)
11) A Copy of Passport
12) 3*4 size 2 photos (Please attach one photo on application form and submit one more photo to the GNU International Office upon student’s arrival.)
* Application forms and guildline shall be sent to UGM international office by us. (Application submission) All required documents should be submitted to via email as a PDF file by May 21, 2021 (No EMS shipping required)
(Inquiries) Ms. Jeong Yejin (AIMS program Coordinator)
Tel +82-55-772-0277, Fax +82-55-772-0269, E-mail:
- 3. Requests to UGM
Please provide us related course lists in English that GNU students can take to learn about subtropical agricultural and livestock farming.
we will be very grateful if UGM can provide GNU students with opportunities to visit related local industries and farms to learn and get on-hand experiences.
Please provide us student exchange information of UGM’s AIMS program such as application documents and procedures so on for GNU students to apply for UGM’s AIMS program for this fall semester
Designate responsible personnel for GNU-UGM AIMS exchange program (both director and staff level) and provide us their contact information.